Saturday, September 19, 2009

Ready for Change

Hello All!

Welcome to my blog! I'm preparing for a long and arduous journey to Copenhagen this semester. Since I can't take you with me, it is my hope that you all can follow my progress on this site. These days it feels like life is moving faster than the speed of sound but hopefully by logging my accomplishments here it will all be a little more concrete.

To start you all off, I want to introduce you to Will Steger, the man of the hour, who without his help, I wouldn't be where I am now. It is an honor to work with someone as well-traveled and knowledgeable about the effects of climate change as he is. Get to know Will as I have, and be an instrument for change within your own community as well.

Looking ahead, I am busy planning the Northern Plains Powershift in Fargo, ND. In March of 2009, the Energy Action Coalition put together the largest civil disobedience gathering in the history of the United States. 10,000 youth from across the 50 states traveled to Washington, D.C. to rally on the hills of the Capitol for strong climate legislation.

This fall, those same people are helping eleven states to hold regional powershifts and my current home of North Dakota has been selected to host this. My committee of organizers is hoping to see 500+ students make their way out on October 23rd-25th for an action-packed weekend of speakers, trainings, and a large youth demonstration. Please register for the Northern Plains Powershift NOW!